Starting out is like having a second job...

So I just published my first novel Interim Blue.  It's a YA urban fantasy, now selling on  All I can say is that I've never worked so hard in my entire life!  Now the work begins! I have had to set up new social networking page,s like on facebook. I signed up for Twitter, a thing I said I would probably never do.  How I have found myself finding ways to advertise is beyond me.  I now have a blogspot! I'm pretty happy with all I have achieved this past year.  I am still tiredlessly working on the second book of the Teleen Trilogy and a new post apocalyptic vampire hunter novel for YA.  I am excited for the least and can't wait to shell out the stories swarming in my head for everyone to enjoy. Let's just say it's been some kinda of a trip! If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, help for marketing, hey, I would definitely be open to anything!