Title: The Four Horsemen
Series: Second in the The Light Series
Author: Tara Brown
Format: Ebook (paperback to soon follow)
Tentative Release Date: September 1
Four Horsemen Blurb:
"I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals.
Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder,
"Come and see!"
I looked, and there before me was a white horse!
Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown,
and he rode out as a conqueror bent on a conquest."
Revelations 6:1-2
"You were born dead and only the dead may claim you"
Her dreams have not changed, nor have the words being whispered to her.
Rayne has until her birthday to finish the job she started,
but just as she ends the second devil, things change.
She discovers the Van Helsings are not the only things hunting her.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse have also begun a journey of their own, leaving disaster and chaos everywhere they go.
They hunt her to the ends of the earth and its darkest corners.
What they find surprises them.
Still dependent upon her friends and the magic of the world others cannot see, Rayne finds herself in the fight for more than just her life.
She must also find the strength to save the world.
She must be The Light of the World.
The Light of the World Blurb:
As if going off to college isn't hard enough, Rayne discovers she has other challenges beyond roommates or first-year workload.
She discovers the fate of the world resting on her small shoulders, not to mention the creepy whispers that taunt her in her sleep each night.
In the haze of dreams she hears it, 'You're dead. You're dead and I just forgot to tell you.'
The sentence is alarming in itself.
Add to that, the voice whispering to her is her mother's, and you have a real nightmare.
But what happens when the whispers in your sleep are warnings and the ghosts in the water are your friends?
What happens when the guy you fall for freshman year is your family's oldest enemy?
What happens when the only sleep you get is when you lie with the dead, and the only way to save yourself is to murder your parents?
With the help of her new friends and old lovers, Rayne discovers her destiny has very little to do with midterms and more to do with the fate of humanity.
*Buy links*
Barnes and Noble- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-light-of-the-world-tara-brown/1115077825?ean=2940045061346
*Author bio*
I am not going to talk in the third person. It feels weird.
I am a Canadian author of Paranormal Romance, Post Apocalyptic and Fantasy novels. Mostly because I think I have Writers ADD, I like to call it WADD. It might be a real thing.
I write New Adult, my books have sexual content (Heck yes) and Swearing. You have been warned. Now enjoy!
I have a beagle named Buster, a husband who I force to read everything I write and two girls who want so badly to be a character in my books. And not in that order.
I am mid thirties so be prepared for the chick lit novel this year. I am calling it my Ode to my Midlife Crisis.
I have been writing since I was old enough to lie. So for some time.
Welcome to my world. Please enjoy the ride.
*Stalker Links*
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/TaraBrownAuthor
Twitter- https://twitter.com/TaraBrown22
* Lots of Reading Love *
Katy Austin
Admin to Book Dream Land
Personal Assistant to Tara Brown